
WelcomeProjectK Logo

Fast and Efficient Contract & Billing Management

THANK YOU for your interest in our equine billing and contracts system. We are currently in Beta testing, and will be releasing to the public in the coming months. Please contact us at if you have any questions or comments. We look forward to working with you.

Please complete the form below to setup a new account.

Basic Information
First Name
Last Name
Business Information
Trading Namee.g. Fanny's Equine Services
Mobile Phone
Landline Phone
Instance NameThis should be 3 to 5 letters that represent your business. e.g. KES
Login NameThis is to login to the system. Remember, login's are a combination of Instance and Username. e.g. AAA-Fred
PasswordStrong Passwords, containing at least one Upper case, one Lower case, one Number and one special character from ! @ # $ ^ *
Confirm Password